One village at a time, together we can...

Our mission at Wananavu Kadavu~Water Project is to help bring fresh spring water to the rual village of the Fiji Islands.

Wananavu means in Fijian, everything is good, perfect. The bottled spring water you buy in markets around the world is not the same water rural villages have access to. It's high in the mountains above them.

To make a difference check us out at

One village at a time, together we can...

Friday, June 5, 2009

My bags aren't packed I'm not ready to go....

My bags aren't packed I'm not ready to go, my house is a mess
with nowhere to rest...

I have not had my Wednesday with Coletter for a couple of weeks, I've just been too busy parparing for her family to move in and getting ready for Fiji.

I had to spent some time with her, I really couldn't leave without those sweet loves she freely gives me. The pictures above are in the
Thia Pan parking lot in Centerville.
Hill Air force Base is celebrating this week.

Dad, Cindy, Colette & I enjoyed watching the air show. My family has enjoyed coming to the air show for years, my Dad was in the Air Force in WWII and had a great love of planes. Did I have time? No! Did we have fun? Yes! She held on tight because the noise rumbled through the air, she loved it!!! I use to sit at the old Salt Lake Airport with my Dad and watch the planes taking off and land and landing. I still love to watch planes and always
think of him when I see a jet go by.

Back at home I was busy packing, washing, etc. My little friend was missing, as
I looked for her I could smell nail polish.... I found in her in her parents
soon to be room painting her nails.
She did a fine job and she picked my favorite colour :)

My dad will be home in Logan waiting for us to call him on Skype,
as you can see we have been teaching him the ropes.

To all those who have given so much we thank you, we have so much we
might have to take some on then next trip.

Next time you see me I might be swinging from the trees,
who knows maybe Erica will join me:)

Off you go into the wild blue yonder....

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