One village at a time, together we can...

Our mission at Wananavu Kadavu~Water Project is to help bring fresh spring water to the rual village of the Fiji Islands.

Wananavu means in Fijian, everything is good, perfect. The bottled spring water you buy in markets around the world is not the same water rural villages have access to. It's high in the mountains above them.

To make a difference check us out at

One village at a time, together we can...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

From Fiji to you...

Kadavu, Fiji

Going in for a landing at Vunisea Airport 
on Kadavu Island.

It started out all good...
then they lost their minds.

Greeting from Lavar...
 singing and serving Kava.

Let the games begin...

Welcome back to Kadavu

Alex Hone-Adam Clark-Scott Sorensen

Scott is enjoying the sights of his new home

and new pets..,

One thing about my kids is they love
people, animals and life.

Welcoming Ben to Kadavu

Scott Sorensen & Ben Sorensen

Ben with some children of Kadavu

Dinner is always fresh...

Ben and Scott lived here for a short time, it had a
great view. Every view is great on Kadavu.


Kong Mountain. The first King Kong
 was filmedon that mountain.

Wilbur their next door neighbor :)

Until next time....

Wise-Bret-Scott enjoying the falls....

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