One village at a time, together we can...

Our mission at Wananavu Kadavu~Water Project is to help bring fresh spring water to the rual village of the Fiji Islands.

Wananavu means in Fijian, everything is good, perfect. The bottled spring water you buy in markets around the world is not the same water rural villages have access to. It's high in the mountains above them.

To make a difference check us out at

One village at a time, together we can...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kadavu Kids my point of view...

In the morning they roam the Village
Late afternoon they are dinner...


I'm home and have much to say about Kadavu Fiji. I hesitate to tell of its beauty, the untouched land of papaya, bananas, coconuts and pineapple. Fresh fish wrapped in taro leaf with coconut milk set on coals to cook, curried potatoes, yams and taro root. The food is tasty and healthy. I hesitate because I would hate for the greed of the world to step inside and change its simple beautiful way of life, but then again I am sitting home with many comforts they do not have. I have yet to turn on the TV because I enjoyed the silent whispers of children, birds, rain drops and the sound of the beautiful South Pacific. Now I listen to my granddaughters songs and footsteps.

I'm home wishing for old family recipes of my new friends. Meals start at 7am with tea and breads, lunch the same. Supper is a meal spread over cloth on the floor, it is bountiful and good. No one goes hungry as long as they are willing to fish, gather fruits, roots, and as Erica and I found out, willing to kill your dinner. Erica witnessed the killing of a pig that may traumatize her for life. Ben and Scott killed a chicken for our dinner at
Miri's home where they lived. The food is fresh and as we walked through the Villages 
we found ourselves naming
all pigs and chickens "Dinner."

Dinner with friends & family

School is Monday through Friday from 8am to 3:30pm,   Recess is like I remember it at my school in Logan Utah, Edith Bowen Elementary. We had lots of free space to run and play. The children wear uniforms and at the end of the day line up to listen to the head school master, then are excused one row 
at a time to walk home.
The children are beautiful and happy.

Kadavu Kids at School

In the late afternoon on the school yard, young men play rugby, practicing for tournaments throughout the Islands. They enjoy kayak racing, fishing, snorkeling,diving and lots of Rugby.

Erica and I travel with Kristine knowing we would be helping in the village and at school, but we were sure to have time to enjoy the untouched beach and tan our fair skin. As we boated from the airport to the resort the locals laughed as they saw two tourist tanning themselves on the beach, Erica looked at me and said "that's it were not tanning". Little did we know we wouldn't have time to tan, we had better things to do. We enjoyed every moment...
except witnessing the death of our dinner.

If not for Curt and Kristine Hone, my children would not be having the experience of a lifetime, the opportunity been a blessing to them.  

Kristine Hone

Future Basketball Court

The two builders in Kadavu Fiji were born in Cache Valley. Ben and Scott Sorensen, with the help from the men in the Drue and Navuatu Villages are building a basketball court, volley ball pit, mending homes.
They have are not receiving money for their 
work, the Hone's take care of room & board
and all extra activities.
The blessing of helping others
has changed their lifes.

Kristine Hone & Mere Cooksley
setup the arrangements for 
their 4 month stay at 
Dive Kadavu Resort.
They left the resort to 
live in the village with
their new friends, now family


It was so good to hug and love my sons and see how happy they are in...
Kadavu Fiji


  1. Oh my goodness! You are back I want to hear more and see more pictures! :) I so hope I can go with you guys next time.

  2. Thanks Nancy for being the matriarch of a fine line of great leaders. Drue, Navuatu and the whole of Kadavu and even Fiji as indeed the poor millionaires around the world appreciate your sharing. May we all be richly blessed as we continually give! Thanks again from this son of Kadavu. P.S. You do also know that the Isle of Kava is Kadavu, right? Our farmers are ready to serve your readers the best of Fiji Taro and KAVA
