One village at a time, together we can...

Our mission at Wananavu Kadavu~Water Project is to help bring fresh spring water to the rual village of the Fiji Islands.

Wananavu means in Fijian, everything is good, perfect. The bottled spring water you buy in markets around the world is not the same water rural villages have access to. It's high in the mountains above them.

To make a difference check us out at

One village at a time, together we can...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ben is off to Fiji today...

I picked up Colette yesterday, we came home and the first thing she said was Scotty...
then came "Scotty gone". She still had Ben for one more day.

Ben and Scott have grown very close 
to their sweet niece Colette,
they read to her,watch movies,colored together
and her favorite is playing
outside as they follow her around.
Ben built a playhouse for her last spring
and she loves it!!

As we drove silently to the airport I looked over at
Ben and saw tears running down his cheek, that's all it
took and then tears were running down my cheeks.

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