One village at a time, together we can...

Our mission at Wananavu Kadavu~Water Project is to help bring fresh spring water to the rual village of the Fiji Islands.

Wananavu means in Fijian, everything is good, perfect. The bottled spring water you buy in markets around the world is not the same water rural villages have access to. It's high in the mountains above them.

To make a difference check us out at

One village at a time, together we can...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goodbye polio; thank you Rotary - The Herald Journal: Opinion

Rotary is a huge factor in the fight against Polio. Rotary changes the lives of people around the world everyday...

Goodbye polio; thank you Rotary - The Herald Journal: Opinion

Wananavu Kadavu has been gifted 2 District Grants from Holladay Rotary of Utah, USA District 5420 in the past 2 years to help bring clean drinking water to the Island of Kadavu, Fiji.

We are in partnership with the Fiji Health Ministry, under the direction of Lt. Col. Netani Rika.

Our projects to date: Nuku Settlement, Navuatu/Drue Village and the Kavala Health Centre.

Our next project for 2012-2013 is the Kavala Bay Primary School

We are grateful to all who have provided the necessary funds to make Wananavu Kadavu a success because of you thousands of people enjoy healthy clean water for their families and health care facilities.

Our Non-Profit accomplishes these projects my donations. We hold an annual golf tournament to raise money for water tanks, filters, plumbing supplies, cement, etc. If you would like to be apart of these project visit,  WATER is LIFE

One village at a time...